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About Us

EGXFuels was founded to have a profound impact on the global fight against climate change.

The way we work.

Our values drive all aspects of our business, from our overarching mission to our daily operations.


We strive to do the right thing, even when no one is looking. We are uncompromising in our dedication to doing what is best to support and improve our communities, our consumers, and the world.


We are committed to creativity in developing new and better ways to create renewable energy and green fuels. Our curious and creative team looks for solutions to the world’s energy problems.


Our goal is to build a more sustainable world by deploying carbon-neutral energy solutions. We use sustainable practices in our production and transportation processes, and strive to keep our footprint small.

Interested in joining our team?

If you’re passionate about our mission and want to be a part of it, send us a message at to hear about open positions.